I was listening to grin, and he mentioned that he got burned out from ctf. I remember I was burned out from iCTF myself when I last played in 2012. I started thinking what other mods can work competitively.
I propose jailbreak. jb had potential but never tried competitively. It mixes teamwork with tdm and even 1v1. Some of the maps even have the ability to escape through boosting and other methods with teamwork. It brings out the best of CTF/TDM with the best of sDOM and even some BT on a few maps. Check it out in pugs if you must.
If sDOM works, I believe iJB can too. It is simply to change things up from time to time so people don't get burned out. There were tons of JB maps last time I played it many moons back.
I can dwell on it more, but I don't want to bore you with a very long post so I will leave it at this. If there is more interest, I can go into more in-depth information. I might even consider a return just for jb