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Postby Swiftshade » Tue Dec 16, 2014 3:46 am

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Re: DOM-BloodRun

Postby csnafk » Tue Dec 16, 2014 8:23 am

Ran around in practice a bit. the map is unbelievably large, it would appear at first to be nearly impossible to control. wouldn't mind trying it in a pug or two
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Re: DOM-BloodRun

Postby RickJames » Tue Dec 16, 2014 9:05 am

Not large at all! I know the layout already from quake, it's pretty easy to go between all 3 cps quickly.

I like the idea, but I'd have to play test it. The cps do seem a bit boring- Just in square rooms connected by hallways. But I might be wrong about that.

Almost every successful sdom map has at least one of two things:
1. A cp with a unique dynamic or some technical aspects- low on peak, statues on cg, bertha on nitro, tears on slimetime, high on tempest, low on gharden, etc.
2. A fair amount of teamplay between points- typhoon falls into this category, for example.
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Re: DOM-BloodRun

Postby FALLACY » Tue Dec 16, 2014 11:01 am

Just from looking at the pictures posted, (haven't loaded the map) is having amp that close to belt a little much? Maybe belt should be moved to a location where one of the current armors are and maybe put pads or stack of vials where belt is now?
If I can recall from some of the sDOM maps I've played, belt seemed to be a bit further away from where the amp was located.
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Re: DOM-BloodRun

Postby flowX » Tue Dec 16, 2014 11:35 am

Did u Import the map from ql or 2k4 ?
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Re: DOM-BloodRun

Postby PACO » Tue Dec 16, 2014 1:34 pm

I have a few suggestions for the map (probably easier to just message them than to post).

While it feels large.. the portals really connect everything and make it a lot smaller. I can see this map being very successful. Well done so far Swiftshade.
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Re: DOM-BloodRun

Postby PACO » Tue Dec 16, 2014 6:14 pm

Actually, changed my mind and I'll drop them in here..


I think these minor changes would make this room flow a lot better.


This vantage point with armor seems too advantageous. Not sure how I'd balance it out but it seems like the go-to spot once you have your point. Could be problematic with amps and the keg around the corner.


This last suggestion is a bit freaky deaky but I was thinking that this point could use some real spicing up. A pool of lava with nubs sticking up that you can jump on and then onto the point. Excuse my terrible drawing but it could make a boring point an interesting point. Another alternative could be moving the point to the ledge so that people can be shot off but I'm in the mood to get freaky.

Overall, the map looks amazing. It will need to be played and health/vials/pups might need tweaking. In version 1216, it is still possible to solo the amp. Dodge left and hold right. Maybe extend the block player a touch to the left. Great work.
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Re: DOM-BloodRun

Postby Darkside » Wed Dec 17, 2014 12:46 pm

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Re: DOM-BloodRun

Postby Swiftshade » Fri Dec 19, 2014 10:35 pm

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Re: DOM-BloodRun

Postby D4RR3N » Sat Dec 20, 2014 1:40 am

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Re: DOM-BloodRun

Postby ulo » Sat Dec 20, 2014 5:05 am

You keep amazing us with some truly spectacular edits and textures Swiftshades.

Great work!

Now it's up to us to play test it.
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Re: DOM-BloodRun

Postby Monk » Sat Dec 20, 2014 8:18 am

I uploaded the latest version to the servers, but not the re-direct as I don't have that info.
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Re: DOM-BloodRun

Postby PACO » Sat Dec 20, 2014 3:50 pm

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Re: DOM-BloodRun

Postby rev » Sun Dec 21, 2014 4:18 pm

This is a great map, needs some minor tweaks but should be added into season for sure.
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Re: DOM-BloodRun

Postby Zac » Mon Dec 22, 2014 2:54 pm

I like the lava part, nicely done.

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Re: DOM-BloodRun

Postby csnafk » Mon Dec 29, 2014 6:33 pm

Played this today. Lava was an absolute shit show tbh, the spawns need to be adjusted something fierce. because of the spawns there's really only 1 efficient way to lava and thats to dodge over the huge gap and it makes it unBELIEVABLY easy to control everything on lava. would have to see some spawn changed to suit more efficient routes to lava or else this map will be a bane and eliminated constantly throughout the season.
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Re: DOM-BloodRun

Postby Sauron » Mon Dec 29, 2014 11:21 pm

Spawns are broken in the map. Fully agree with everything csn said.
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Re: DOM-BloodRun

Postby ulo » Tue Dec 30, 2014 4:55 am

I will look more closely into how the map feels and is played once I get back home from parents over the holidays. Don't want to play test anything on laptop.

Meanwhile it's fully possible to instead of simply saying this sucks fix it, give some suggestions to how to fix it and what particular spawns didn't work and where they can be altered to. It's not really helpful to get comments stating they suck.
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Re: DOM-BloodRun

Postby Sauron » Tue Dec 30, 2014 9:10 am

I got the same 3 spawns 90% of the map. I played Lava vs csn and the low stair entrance is used about 3% of the time due to poor spawns. Only the pit jump entrance is feasible because of the spawns, and that is the easiest entrance to defend again (one hit while dodging across a massive pit - which requires a long dodge - stops you dead in your tracks and you fall down the pit and need to suicide or die). I didn't play the other 2 points but from what I heard on TS, they weren't much better.
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Re: DOM-BloodRun

Postby csnafk » Tue Dec 30, 2014 10:34 am

It's the cluster fuck of spawns anywhere near amp and high that i think needs to be redone
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Re: DOM-BloodRun

Postby wndg » Tue Dec 30, 2014 11:36 am

Two maybe three amps were taken when I played the map. There's just too much traffic funneled into the two halls up top near amp. You either spawn there or you spawn somewhere else and head towards the teleporters that take you there. I tried to mix it up when getting back to the lava point but the other routes were out of the way most of the time.

Don't know if spawns need tweaking or if some geometry needs some changing. An average skilled pug where the next map all the amps were taken. A pug or match full of bruisers shooting 30-40acc might yield more successful amp boosts or be an even bigger shit show up top.
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Re: DOM-BloodRun

Postby Swiftshade » Wed Dec 31, 2014 3:38 am



Added this door way hoping it will help the lava point and the flow of the map.

Edited spawns. ...
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Re: DOM-BloodRun

Postby ulo » Thu Jan 01, 2015 6:07 am

Now we are getting somewhere! Thanks for the more precise feedback.

I couldn't resist looking into it right after my previous post. I came up with a few thoughts, most of them have already been implemented, but I will post the once I still feels is of value.

I still think the spawn in this picture is better then the new one in the hallway, since that one is really really close to the Top point. Slightly to close for my taste. However that might be needed if top is to easy to hold? (Need input from people who have played it)
I had a thought of moving the vials away from the hall and have them in a line at the stairs either on top or bottom, so it take the lava point guy away from looking towards the two top hallways and also to not grant a player spawning there free vials and instead introduce them into something controlled by lava guy.
Teleporter location has already been moved so you preceded me there.

I had a discussion on IRC and got some input that made me think about this edit. The belt is fairly easy to pick up on spawning down here and rewarding spawning people rather then people in control is not good as was pointed out and I agree. You have taken away one of the spawns down low here which is great so keep that change.
However to not make the remaining two spawns get a free belt at some points I think making a "pillar" the size of the ground the belt now reside on so it's not possible to simply dodge to it. You have to drop for it and make some small fancy footwork to get it. It could also be possible to move it more towards mid of the "pit" as the red arrow indicates.
The yellow arrows point towards the fancy footwork I talked about, which should be a easy way if you don't drop straight on it.
The blue arrows are possible boosts from the higher parts, should not happen much but could be a nice addition if it's possible.

The spawn in the stairs is better at your new "hallway". However the left one I think is a better location for the one now to the right below stairs, since needing one or two more dodges to reach low should not be bad. Also a dodge or two less to reach Lava this way should be good. With 3 spawns close to those stairs they should play a bigger part in how the Lava point will flow.

For some reason I find swapping those places will bring less action towards the top hallways, since it forces the lava guy to go out of line of sight towards them to re stack health.

There were a few suggestions, not all of them might be needed. But I believe they are sound ideas and thoughts.

Yet again great work Swiftshade!
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Re: DOM-BloodRun

Postby Swiftshade » Thu Jan 01, 2015 4:14 pm

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Re: DOM-BloodRun

Postby PACO » Fri Jan 02, 2015 4:49 pm

The latest version is on IP1. Really good job so far Swiftshade.
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Re: DOM-BloodRun

Postby ulo » Thu Jan 08, 2015 6:45 pm

Finally had the chance to take this map for a spin last night. I did find a fair few things about it that ain't up to the standards I want it to be. While I still strongly believe the map has a good base to be great a few more edits is needed to change the flow and spawns of the map.

It will be a fair amount of pictures, but I think it's easier to explain in pictures so I will use them instead of a wall of text.

So here we go:

This spawn was way to easy to abuse from low point camping on the armor, so I suggest moving it further in to take away that possibility.

A railing along the red line to block sight even more towards the spawn. With a railing I think there is space for another spawn there also. Will be a fair amount of spawns in a tight space of the map with the stairs close by, but since it's possible to go low, lava and via the teleport to high I don't think it's a bad spawn position.

It felt to easy to keep holding low from the armor spot, so I suggest adding a "punish" spawn, I prefer the lower position in the picture. To punish anyone standing on armor from having a to easy time to hold the spawn. Again through the teleporter it's possible to reach lava and top making the spawn possible. (ONLY ADD ONE OF THE SUGGESTIONS!)

Belt was way out of position and rarely bothered with unless someone had the amp. That's not good! So I suggest moving belt up and put it either very close to the edge (yellow circle) or make some sort of extension for the belt like a small round part sticking out (blue circle). That will force the lava player away from the point and into a position where it's possible to be boosted down, all for the good.
The red circle and the arrow is a suggestion for a boost pad "shooting" you over the gap. This need to be directed, so no matter how you get on it the direction you get launched is the same. So it's not possible to use it for reaching amp. This will make going for top possible and don't make being at this side a death punishment for lava players.

With the addition of belt easy to control for lava this armor is not needed, to much armor in one place else and the map already has a armor. So instead of the armor I suggest moving the health pack in. Possible to add another ammo pack in the corner where health pack now is.

The line of vials could be clumped together, it took a bit to long time picking those up when they where so spread out. Even possible to put the towards one of the walls if wanted, as long as they are very close to each other it should be fine.
I think this spawn is great and could become two spawns close one pointing each way.

To force the top guy to play more inside the top room and not interfere to much with where the amp is unless amp is up one or both of those spawns could be added (most likely only one). So it's possible to spawn inside the room if the top guy walks to far from his spot. Not 100% sure which spawn I like best, but I think the lowest one.

One of the major problems was the amount of people around the area where the red circle is. So I suggest moving the end point of the teleporter further out so it's where the yellow circle is instead. Should make it fast to dodge on the launcher or dodge around the corners if your playing low. Making the spawn close to the teleporter useful for low also. Could with the moved teleporter be possible to add the spawn back at the red circle, but for the moment I would hold off on that.

This spawn and this teleporter was at least for me a very frequent use, since the spawn I got a big amount of times. I still think it's a okay spawn, but the teleporters needs to be "fixed". So the one in the picture should be moved so you end where I showed in last picture. It's should also be added another teleporter either opposite of the current one so you either dodge left or right depending on which one you want to take. Or it can be made on the opposite side of the "room". This teleporter should end up at the same position the one at low point does. This should open up and make it more variety to lava and top point where you attack from. Altering the flow of the map and releasing pressure from the top part around where amp boost is possible from.

Again to put more pressure on the guy playing low. Either split the spawn so it's two one at each side or add one further towards the low point. Since going through low teleporter is a possible route for both lava and top.

I hope you stuck with me and I wan't to hear what people think about my suggestions and if anyone else has other suggestions.
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Re: DOM-BloodRun

Postby Swiftshade » Tue Jan 13, 2015 6:21 pm ...

Most of what ulo suggested in his last post has been edited to the map.
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Re: DOM-BloodRun

Postby csnafk » Wed Jan 14, 2015 8:29 am

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Re: DOM-BloodRun

Postby PACO » Wed Jan 14, 2015 12:33 pm

I like the addition of the second portal. It should really help with the pace of Lava. I'm not particularly keen on the new placement of the belt since it's going to be in such a high traffic area. If lava had to poke out and risk getting boosted off, it'd be cool but with all of the people dodging in from high.. I think you will have the same problem as when it was low and people getting it more by luck than actually timing it. Nonetheless, great work. Updated on ip1.
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Re: DOM-BloodRun

Postby HULKSMASH » Mon Jan 19, 2015 7:35 am

We played this last night and it was really fun!

- PACO said in his post above hr was worried about belt placement. Belt actually was fine, even with it being a 2v2 spot it wasn't super high traffic. It is kind of fun that it's a bit risky. Perhaps this will change when more people dodge across high, but so far this was quite rare. See also next point.
- the CP -that is in front of the teleport to lava (sorry don't know what it's called) is a complete cluster fuck xD not sure if it was cause we were all Noobs and trying to use that portal to get to lava but sometimes there'd be 4 or 5 people around (2 players that were playing point and any others trying to assist that point before going to lava) . I personally think that if this portal was placed back in the hallway ir would reduce the insanely high traffic in this area.
- this map just looks amazing. The textures, the lava fountain. All of it brilliant. You are a wizard sir. Keep up the good work.

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