Timeouts have to be within 3 seconds tops. I'd even put auto pause as it was previously discussed. It is like we are on the early stages of ut (and even then they had some autopause). This would be 100% avoided and there would be no sportsmanship needed. Very sad.
Also having a caster and in this case the head admin of this organization taunt and giggle over this situation is nothing but sad. This would be something to be dealt with and maybe with some kind of iron fist (to be avoid it next time).
Being happy and smug about confusion and flaming on the official pug channel is also not a reason to be proud.
These "little" things are the ones that drive away people from the community, and i know for a fact a few people that left to never come back for stuff like this.
Was it innocent? Ye probably, but this is the kind of stuff GU was known for and it shows 0 professionalism, the thing this new makeover was trying to claim so hard.
For the trolls? Amazing. For the people trying to win? Shitty attitude and enabling.
Personally i disliked it and shut down the stream immediately, but that is just me.
On other news, always good to see the powerplay back in action after 3/4? seasons after i vehemently discussed the benefits of auto-pause.
Props to kyle. You are tha man.