Very weird how paco show interest on true ut since he doesnt even play it (not skilled enought) but still a good friend.
On other topic, the invited list is very small, Nine has been defeat 3 of 3 games by me, Nanm2 of 2 games, and Dakanasta 1 of 2 games.
I see bleh from europas but i dont see D1sc the guy that put a lesson vs Dakanasta and blackout last time, i think thats very disrispectfull thing, considering guy like Skype can play only deck and maybe spheres (another good friend but the facts dont say lies), and nine probably can even get defeated by calippo or ryu at this moment.
Obviously no one wana watch people like Killem (defeat him by more than 30 frags), RickJames (I play him aliased, just messing around and hes worst than before seriously he should be silenced), Zatan (defeat him 4 straight games on argentina server by more than 20 frags) or ig players playing weapons... but the invited list is way too small.
Is hard to see, but i have reached the skill level of the self proclaimed pros, they must feel bad.
Paco has made very bad choices, like give admin to those noob argentinians on teamspeak and they ban me always and they are completly nobodies in the game, no one from there is good, same with the chileans.
Add to the invite list, D1sc, Tsm, maybe bryan and some other (right now even darth and meh are better than nine), then the tournament start. Since xbds isnt around the winner is sly or Dakanasta, and theyre untouchable right now, why play more rounds?
Defeatin dakanasta in our only 1v1 duel, 1 of 2 maps, the last map was tie until server crash but dakanasta stop playin cos he get mad so that should be 2 of 2 wins.
This is me playin Nanm, first game was liandri i win, hes pick was codex and i win too. Another overated player that is invited.
This is Nine i defeat when i was very bad he rage quit Liandria and i defeat him on agony and Liandri too. 3 of 3 games.
This is the evidence it shows that invite list is fucked up.