iCTF mapping project

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iCTF mapping project

Postby HumaK » Tue May 12, 2015 9:58 am

Hello everyone,

So, I tried opening the editor for the first time in a year or something. My goal is always to create something that the people playing the map will like. On the other hand, it's hard for you to give me ideas or comments when I'm not that far.

Can you tell me how much I should make before I show you the map? Full structure of the map? Just the base/foyer? Just the middle? Is that enough to comment on the gameplay of the map? I also would like for people to give me ideas for layout that would suit my map and that is quite hard if the structure is already done. The earlier you are in the process the easier it is to change certain things.

Hope you understand my point of view :)
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Re: iCTF mapping project

Postby PACO » Thu May 14, 2015 12:44 am

If you need any feedback, I have no problem discussing your map with you..

The base, the mid and the everything count. The most important things to consider when making a map for iCTF in my opinion are as follows:

-Is there enough ways in and out of the base for the offense? Is there
-Will any places bottleneck flag runs?
-Is the map too open where a player can be shot from anywhere or is it too closed off so that it is impossible to catch a flag that turns a corner?
-Average time flag to flag using the fastest route TYPICALLY should be 13-15 seconds. This doesn't mean that faster or longer maps can't work but most of the successful ones have that timeframe.
-Optimal routes can make less optimal routes viable. An examp is the lift on Grudge attracts a lot of attention which opens up other routes for flag carriers.
-Spawns can be tricky and playtests can offer insight to problematic spawn points.

People can offer you ideas but if you have something.. run with it. A lot of creative and gimmicky stuff will suck but if you strike gold, people will love you for it. A rough layout of what you have in mind should be enough to comment on the direction but sometimes even having a shell to run around is quite helpful.

Good luck and nice to see you mapping again.
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