Yulo's Weather Forecast!

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Yulo's Weather Forecast!

Postby ulo » Sun Jun 07, 2015 4:01 pm

It's about time we got a weather forecast for the coming season, who is going high and all sunny and who is washing away with the rain!

Defence: Serenity, RickJames
Offence: atr0city, Sm0k3al0t, kyaxiz
Any defence containing Serenity is always going to be a hard nut to crack for any of the teams in the league. I predict he will put RickJames next to him as a partner, he does have at least two other choice as both atr0city and kyaxiz are capeable defenders. However to get the maximum out of his team I think this lineup is going to be the one to prefer. He has three fraggers forward that should be able to help each other out while Serenity keep his iron grip on their own flag.

Defence: bug, Banko
Offence: Steel, KNOCKOUTDAD, Sponge
In total one of the strongest teams on paper both salary wise and ranked per offence and defence strength. The defence is two old defenseman pairing up in bug and Banko, part of the success of this duo is how high can Banko reach in his skill level in sniper. Offensively they might not look superbly strong, but I would not underestimate them. Steel is a good runner and KNOCKOUTDAD I had as one of the more underrated players in the draft. Sponge I have not seen much from in the sniper department, but I think he will mesh well and can be the little annoying one for the enemy offence.

Defence: Finalz, crux
Offence: snky, Sauron, rev
This team has a high possible limit they could reach in skill level, but I have hard seeing them reach it though. Sauron is a good attacker and can really juke his opponents as well as frag his way in and out of a base, but that is referring to his insta skills, will he be able to climb close to those levels in sniper? That’s part of the success of this team is in how much can he improve. snky and Finalz always put up good performances and Finalz is very at home with the sniper in his hands. snky has been low on the fragging department in pugs, but that’s usually not his trademark anyway, he is the slithery eel that slink in between the enemy defence and get the flag moving no matter who is the opponent and no matter which map it is. To round of the team it’s crux to accompany Finalz, which might be tough on more left, right oriented maps as Command and Klondike for example and lastly it’s the captain himself rev that will have to be the mesh in the offence to make it work.

So how will this group end? I predict Serenity and Steel going through and rev being left behind. I feel both those teams are more well rounded and will have a better mesh. It’s up to rev’s team to prove me wrong and show they are a contender for the title in this league. Among the predicted top two teams I feel Steel has put together a more well rounded team with more secure cards that will put up good performance week after week. Also not having to play versus flowX who has the highest top 5 salary could be a good draw in the cross divisional games.

Defence: Viperzz, mng
Offence: riven, flowX, Bustah
The question everyone's asking after the draft is will Bustah show? According to flowX he will only miss one week, it’s up to the show if that will happen now! If Bustah shows and if he still has his old offensive skills this offence could be hard to stop. I know and partly agree on that riven is a great fragger that rarely get much done in the capping department, but if flowX and Bustah can keep the flags coming riven could prove to be invaluable in fragging everything coming at them in the mid. Second question mark for this team is also how good will mng be in sniper and how good will Viperzz be with him as a partner.

Defence: unrealshots, exixt
Offence: n0b, insanity, ttocston
ScReaM once again managed to draft himself into the bench. He must be the master of doing so. When both NakedMan and ulo decided to go for a lower first pick player to get a higher pick in second round ScReaM couldn’t pass up on unrealshots. The super defenseman that can break down any teams offence was simply to juicy of a pick to pass up further. This gave him a super start to his team and he complemented the defence with picking the always underrated n0b in the second round. It’s always hard to say how n0b will perform since he rarely pugs, but he usually does better than anyone expect him to do. This time same goes for insanity, he has not pugged in a while, but can play really well if he put some time into it and really want’s to. To complement unrealshots we have exixt who has been the opposite to n0b and insanity and have been a frequent pugger lately and proved he should be able to play well in this league. Scott is another hard nut to predict, will he demo this time? Will he play as well with unrealshots as when they won the insta season together? It will be interesting to see!

Defence: rain, Fallacy
Offence: pulip, Feisar, kevinsan1ty
Rain always pick a team that can contend for a title in any mod. This time he might not have picked his strongest team, but they have a good level to reach if they pug much and keep improving. Fallacy is a great player, but is he as good in sniper as he is in insta? My feeling before the draft was no, but time will tell if he can prove me wrong and dominate in this mod also. This team is one of those where I can see other options in the lineup, if the team is down kevinsan1ty could join Fallacy on defence while rain let his fragging power lose on offence. He might even go with that from the start. How well will pulip and Feisar play in sniper? That is also a question that needs to be asked for this team. Again if it had been insta this would have been a deadly offence, how they will fare in sniper, well time will tell.

So how will this group end? It’s one of the harder if not the hardest group to predict, both rain and ScReaM’s team has a really stable defense if they want to but might be lacking in the offensive department. In contrast to flowX team who has some major offensive skills. In the end I think the offense will beat out the defense and flowX with his team go winning out of this group. The remaining two is far harder to predict since they have similar strengths and weaknesses. I am going to go with rain as second mainly because I think he has the easier cross divisional games and could get some points from a game versus rev’s team.

Defence: spydee, pwnage
Offence: Hatchet, tigerclaw, Blaze
The defence is very hard to predict how good it will be while the offence has pugged a fair amount between them and should have the knowledge to mesh well together and know the maps. I think the weakness in this team is going to be if their defence will hold up or not. They might send either tigerclaw or Blaze down to defence for pwnage since they have more experience with sniper. spydee will be interesting to see which level he is going to be playing on.

Defence: Ravonix, Spriggan
Offence: Sonic, Xenoscythe, ulo
Apart from having to play myself I am happy with the team I drafted. I got a good anchor D and a really stable offensive man in the two first rounds and was very pleased to be able to pick up both Xenoscythe and Spriggan. My teammates should have enough fragpower for me to more or less not even care much about it. But I might as well be that thorn for the opponent's offence and annoy them to the point that they rather chase me than run towards our flag. I can see us getting along well.

Defence: reflex, dev
Offence: Sunny, Jinn, Arys
Sunny went with picking up defense so he could run the offence in his first rounds of picking. He got his hand on reflex and the in my eyes underrated dev. dev is a more stable defenseman than he usually get credit for. To accompany him on offense he has Jinn and Arys, though this team has more options since their 6th and 7th men are in the same salary range as Arys is in and could pick and choose among them depending on map and day. The biggest downside I see is that there is no real fragging partner to Sunny, that is there to make sure the opponent don’t swarm him when he has got to the flag and is on his way out. Jinn is a grabbing machine and not a frag monster, nor is any of the others on this team. Will it work for them in the end?

Without feeling to cocky I really feel my team has a chance to win this group and I will predict that we will. That should put some pressure on and something to work towards! Second place is really hard since both teams have their ups and downs, but I am going to go with tigerclaw simply because I think his team has the better balance and the more meshing between the parts of the team.

Defence: Cromaniac, Miracle
Offence: Monk, lavak3, edge
Monk as many of his offensive captain partners did go with picking up some defense for his team as the first goal and went with Cromaniac and Miracle. This is an interesting duo that will be exciting to follow. Will they find some chemistry? Cromaniac has developed to be a good fragger and Miracle is well known for having a high accuracy, but not always the highest amount of frags. I think they will find each other well and could work for Monk. In the offence Monk picked the wildcard lavak3, which very few still know what he is able to do. If he is a fragging machine Monk might have found the steal of the draft that work well with him, but he could just as well found a player that won’t show a single game and leave Monk frustrated. edge is a frag machine that shoot at everything that moves in his view and will be there to cover Monk when he is storming out with the flag.

Defence: blackout, booth
Offence: Dewsick, Lineage, xhackz
This might be the most underrated team in the league. Many might think they don’t look like much on paper. But with xhackz possible being the biggest steal in the entire draft and outplaying his salary by a lot in the pugs I have seen him in. This team is well balanced except they might not have that super grabber that thinks the best thing to do in the map is to grab the opponents flag. All three in the offence are good fraggers with Dewsick being one of the hardest fragging people in the scene today. In the back they have the B duo in blackout and booth which should be able to handle anything that passes through the grips of their offence insane fragging.

Defence: Humpty, d3r
Offence: rum, ApokaL1pS, csnafk
csnafk went with what was the mvp of the last sniper season and picked rummy up. Though rummy being ranked really high he was not spoiled for choices in the second round and the major defenders was already gone. So he went with Humpty and continued to stack up on that offence. When he then picked up the partner to rummy in the last sniper season ApokaL1pS he had only offence, so I think Humpty will have to take a step back and take the defensive role this season. He is fully capable of doing it, but he might not like it. d3r is hard to say how well he will do and specially with a player that not regularly play defense. csnafk himself rounds of the offence that is still one of the strongest simply because rummy and ApokaL1pS is so amazing and they have a chemistry and history of playing well.

As weird as it may sounds I think the strongest team in this group is going to be NakedMan, his team is well thought out and have some underrated players that will be able to prove themselves worthy of a higher salary. In second place I am going to predict csnafk simply cause his offence with rummy and ApokaL1pS is so damn good they will be hard for any team to handle. Monk has a good team and could very well contend with the others, but I see more possible holes in his team than I see in the others.

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Re: Yulo's Weather Forecast!

Postby flowX » Sun Jun 07, 2015 4:11 pm

really nice read ulo:) gj!!! ..but lets tell u a secret^^ we are overrated :D
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Re: Yulo's Weather Forecast!

Postby HULKSMASH » Sun Jun 07, 2015 4:13 pm

Great stuff!

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Re: Yulo's Weather Forecast!

Postby rain » Sun Jun 07, 2015 5:28 pm

Good writeup ulo, thanks for posting!
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Re: Yulo's Weather Forecast!

Postby Xenoscythe » Sun Jun 07, 2015 7:14 pm

Nice writeup ulo! Hope to see more peoples predictions!
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Re: Yulo's Weather Forecast!

Postby csnafk » Mon Jun 08, 2015 10:36 am

Great writeup as usual. Was a nice read :)
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Re: Yulo's Weather Forecast!

Postby kevinsan1ty » Mon Jun 08, 2015 11:46 am

ulo MVP. Good writeup my man.
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Re: Yulo's Weather Forecast!

Postby m3ss » Mon Jun 08, 2015 12:25 pm

Awesome work ulo! Love the weather theme as well. Very nice.
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Re: Yulo's Weather Forecast!

Postby ulo » Mon Jun 08, 2015 1:31 pm

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Re: Yulo's Weather Forecast!

Postby XhackZ » Tue Jun 09, 2015 7:26 pm

Nice writeup! *Thumps Up*
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