What was I expecting? 8 teams.. What was I hoping for? 16 teams.. What did we end up with? Something in the middle. The first three teams to sign up were given BYEs through the first round. Availability for the tournament was always labelled as a being on a first come first serve basis and these teams automatically clinched a berth in the second round (pending no more teams joining the tournament). The seeding was all done randomly and if lady luck was able to shine down on you.. great. If she didn't.. well then she must not like you. Win or go home, it's the name of the game. The bracket will be on the website and will feature a match result page.
Signups close at 12pm EST this Sunday so if you would like to sign up and play.. JOIN IMMEDIATELY (
http://www.ownedwell.com/Tournaments/UT99/FACTIONS_I) and start searching for a team. There are many great players still looking for homes.
Times/Maps:Initially the tournament was going to start at 2:30pm EST/3:00pm EST. We were going to run a BO3 BO1 BO1 BO3 however after giving some teams BYEs in the first round, an initial problem reemerged. We don't want people forming teams and being instantly eliminated in a BO1, we want teams to play a real series. This meant that we are adding a BO3 in the second round and with a BO3 in the first, second and fourth round, it seemed silly to have a single BO1 in a crucial third round.
The tournament will now start at 2:00pm EST/7:00pm GMT/8:00pm CET and it will be BO3 throughout. The map picks will be as follows:
BO3 Round 1: Gauntlet, NIX, Adonis, Elsinore, CampLinfort
BO3 Round 2: Nuance, NIX, Adonis, New Command, CollarDreams
BO3 Round 3: Gauntlet, Nuance, Elsinore, CollarDreams, CampLinfort
BO3 Round 4: Adonis, NIX, Elsinore, CampLinfort, Nuance, Gauntlet, New Duku, New Sprinta, New Command
Round 1-3: A eliminates 1, B eliminates 1, A picks 1, B picks 1, remaining map is TB.
Round 4: A eliminates 2, B eliminates 2, A eliminates 1, B eliminates 1, A picks 1, B picks 1, remaining map is TB.
Team A and B will be sorted by a coin flip in an IRC channel and it will be done by the match admin.
Current Teams:HAE BAE: rain Monk tylerofl Xenoscythe biz HULKSMASH
[choc]: rummy ramdrop n0b knockoutdad crux kcus whitechoc
risus hates humpty: rev risus sonic xhackz lp crunk n0mer
BAN: jyb InfamousRaider riven kyaxiz flowX Pun mprs
PIZZA CLAN: HuMPtY PACO bbz bug Palak PanterA acrofl
[Noobs]:Spriggan Hertz Mike Botti Vodka Squall Cool
Alpha Q: Serenity Dewsick reflex Dray Darkside Jinn rAvje
MEN: SunnY Finalz Mp5 NakedMan rasta-man holdr
Team FEBREZE: csn blackout scott massie snky FLYNN Steel
Morning Star: snap rapture rickjames exixt bas
NimbleMinds: Kanzi Diptie Beastz Max_odb Faminka
Vicious Manbabies: Miracle Hatchet Kengzta Marky Annihilator Elite Ninjagaiden
Mystery Men: Supreme spydee krazyaim Sponge Scream Hermione krm
All servers have the updated maps. The tournament will be on a strict schedule and if teams do not turn up, they will be forfeited. We would love to see everyone play but not at the expense of stalling this event. The stream will go live at around 1:40pm EST @
http://www.twitch.tv/ownedwell and m3ss and PACO will be your commentators for the day. TAM finals will also be getting streamed at the conclusion of this event.
Good luck have fun shoot the guns. Any questions/comments/concerns.. feel free to put them in the questions/comments/concerns suggestion box or write them here or pm me on IRC.