Just some in-the-works titles to be informed about and keep up on besides UT4. All of these are pre-alpha or alpha stage at most
1. Reflex FPS
Very similar to quake 3 CPMA, with elements from other quake games also. Currently early access on Steam
http://reflexfps.net/2. Project Nex
A blend of UT3 and quake style movement with a lot of other interesting ideas. Currently on steam greenlight
http://www.nexfps.com/3. Toxikk
Very UT2k4 inspired. Steam early access coming in January
http://toxikk.com/4. Reborn FPS
Project by 2GD. Still in very early stages, definitely quake inspired.
5. Project Bluestreak
CliffyB's UT inspired, free-to-play FPS. Haven't seen or heard much about this project aside from interviews and concept art, but it's likely he wants to set it up as a UT4 competitor